Complete Streets

Sacramento Regional Report from SACOG announced that they are working to implement and plan for 'complete steets'. So what is a 'complete street'? It is provide access on roadways that can accomodate bicyclists, pedestrians, transit rides and people of all ages and abilities. According to the report it goes beyond the simple sidewalk but the proponents also claim that there is no one size fits all approach for implementing complete streets. As the goal of a complete street is to use a 'holistic, mobility focused approach to change the way policy makers, planners and engineers think about planning, building and operating the transportation network."

The name sounds great, the idea of streets being inclusive is an obvious plus but is not that whay sidewalks and bikelanes are all about? How much time and money is being spent on holding workshops? Being a Californian myself I hate to even read a definition that other may read that uses the goal of holistic, mobility. Really what we need is to return to the old fashion concept of a 'main' street and local 'downtowns'. Transportation is going to be a giant issue as our population continues to age. We need to have reliable mass transit or the ability to walk downtown to get our needs met.


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