All The Single Ladies

Non married consumers comprise 52% or the U.S. population according to the latest figures by the U.S. Census Bureau.  Singles, individuals that have never been married, are divorced, separated or widowed are rising in economic influence according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Singles contribute $1.9 trillion to the economy annually.  And according to the National Association of Realtors singles are buying one-third of the homes in the U.S. today.  
So what does this have to do with the topics which I generally share-it means that our building standards that have been historically based to meet the requirements of 6' tall, 27 year old males is outdated.  The building industry needs to be aware of the changing demographics.  Instead of just changing their advertisements that feature singles there needs to be a wake up to build homes with universal features. 

As a woman who is home half the month on my own, I want my house to be convenient.  I do not want to lug heavy groceries, delivery parcels or any other of my wonderful purchases up stairs.  Give me a zero threshold entryway to my front door.  Make it easier for me to open doors and cabinets with my hands full.  Universal design or Aging in Place design is not "senior" design it is Lifespan design.  I want a home that works for me in my 20's, 30's and beyond.


  1. The top ten places of 100,00 or more households with the highest percentage of one-person households are: Atlanta, District of Columbia, Cincinnati, Cleveland, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Seattle, Denver, and Pittsburgh according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Interesting that by percent of population 47% of Women are married vs. 50% of Men and 29% of Women have never been married vs 36% of Men.


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